A guide that offers advice on finding last-minute flight deals to Italy

Sign Up for Airline Email Alerts

Many airlines offer last-minute deals and flash sales via email alerts. Sign up for email notifications from your preferred airlines to stay informed about any deals that may pop up

Use Travel Aggregator Websites

Websites like Expedia, Kayak, and Flightsyogi allow you to compare flights from multiple airlines and find the best deals. Set up price alerts for your preferred travel dates to receive notifications when prices drop.

Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates

If you have some flexibility with your travel dates, you can take advantage of deals that may not be available on your original travel dates. Consider traveling mid-week or outside of peak travel season to save even more.

Consider Alternate Airports

Depending on where you're departing from and where you're going in Italy, it may be worth considering alternate airports. For example, flying into Milan instead of Rome may offer better deals.

Be Prepared to Act Fast

Last-minute deals can disappear quickly, so be prepared to act fast when you find a deal that works for you. Have your travel details and payment information ready to go to avoid missing out on a great deal.

Check Social Media

Many airlines and travel companies use social media to promote last-minute deals and flash sales. Follow your preferred airlines and travel companies on social media to stay informed about any deals that may pop up.